Saturday, March 10, 2012

Let's try this again....

A little over a year ago, I set out with a big goal:

Lose 50 pounds in 50 weeks. Basically I set out to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Eat better, work out, and become healthy.

I started in January 2011, weighing 187lbs, and stopped blogging at 178.6 at the start of March. I had an accident, and was unable to keep working out, and my fitness goals were put on hold. Even after my body recovered, I was busy, lost my motivation and hopped off the fitness bandwagon. I'm sad to say that I didn't complete my goal.


Although I gained some weight back, I am more committed than ever to my goal! In fact, I'd like to achieve it sooner!

I weighed in a few weeks ago at 184lbs. I've been working hard and am already down to 177.9! That's just over 6lbs lighter, and lower than when I stopped last year!

My overall goal is to hit my ideal weight, 125lbs, by December 31, THIS YEAR.

That means losing 53lbs in 42 weeks.

I've been watching Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition, and they do 3-month weigh-ins. I like the idea, so I'm setting 12-week milestones and will do a big "weigh-in" to see if I hit my goals.

Round 1:   12 weeks: June 4              -  20lbs, 158lbs
Round 2:   24 weeks: August 28        - 34lbs, 144lbs
Round 3:   36 weeks: November 20   - 47lbs, 131lbs 
Round 4:   42 weeks: December 31    - 53lbs, 125lbs            

I've decided to make progressive goals, because I imagine I will hit plateaus and as I get closer and closer to my goal weight, the weight loss will slow. Here's another way to look at my goals:

Round 1: 20lbs in 12 weeks, 1.7lbs/week
Round 2: 14lbs in 12 weeks, 1.2lbs/week
Round 3: 13lbs in 12 weeks, 1.1lbs/week
Round 4: 5lbs in 6 weeks, .8lbs/week

This is from my original post a year ago, and it still applies:

"If December 31 comes around and I have only lost 20lbs, I'm not gonna cry myself to sleep with a bucket of chicken or anything.. I will still be a lot healthier than at the start. and that is the whole point.

I hope to keep this blog updated on my progress, and maybe inspire some of my family and friends to join me and commit to losing the extra pounds they know they need to.

If you are committing to have a healthier year, I'd love to hear from you! Let me know how it's going and we can keep each other motivated. Good luck!!"

My official week 1 weigh-in:


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