Sunday, March 11, 2012

Put on my running shoes

I am not a member of a gym, and David and I are on a small budget. So I am quickly becoming the queen of at-home and frugal fitness! 

For cardio, running is by far the easiest for me to complete these days (no gym membership, exercise machines or bicycle). Before last week, it had been about 6 months since I had run last. I had no idea where to even start.

Luckily, I discovered the Couch to 5k in 9 weeks running program. This appealed to me, because you only need to commit to running 3 times a week, and 20-30 minutes each session. There is a schedule that outlines every running session - and although the first workout has you running for 8 minutes total, it is completely manageable!

During week 1, each workout consists of: "Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes."

I'm happy to report that I've completed the first week - all three days! I know next week will be tough, especially the first day, but I just have to remember to:

Suck it up, so someday you won't have to suck it in!

In addition, I've been following the workouts on Daily Burn, which also produces a daily total of burned calories. For example, yesterday I burned just over 450 calories! The site also tells you about how many calories per exercise you burn. For example, I burned 290 calories by completing 500 jumping jacks. And although I only burned 17 calories with 4.5 minutes of plank holds.... I was shaking by the end of my 1.5 minutes sets. Even if I didn't burn a ton of calories, those planks are strengthening my core!

My plan thus far has been to follow the philosophy that any exercise is good exercise. No matter what I do, it's better than sitting on the couch! I follow the C25k plan 3 days/week, and the other days I either follow the workouts on Daily Burn, or do a workout from Pinterest and log the exercise on Daily Burn. For now, as long as I'm moving, I'm losing! 

Another motivational tool I've implemented came from Pinterest.  

Every time the scale shows a pound lost, I move a bead from the "pounds to go" jar to the "pounds lost" jar. It feels great to be able to do that! And having the jars in a visible place reminds me of my goals. I've caught myself more than once with food in my hands, glanced at my jars, and realized I was eating just to eat - not because I was hungry.

Way to go Pinterest for providing an idea that is really working to keep me on track!

Final thought:

I can absolutely vouch for this. Despite being off to a great start last year, I let one setback stop me. And I didn't resume my weight loss journey until a year later. I encourage you to start today. Because it's true. In a year from now, you will wish you had started right now.

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