Friday, March 23, 2012

Even just a few good choices...

Hello again!

It's been awhile. I spent 5 days over last weekend with my parents and decided to not put up a big fuss about healthy eating - we went out to restaurants, had junk food, drank soda... it was a bit of a disaster. But even when I felt like giving up, I decided to make at least a few good decisions. Even when adopting a healthy lifestyle seems like a lost cause, remember that even just one healthy choice is better than none.

Don't get me wrong, I did drink soda and eat out with my family. But I tried to pay very close attention to my body. Stopping when I got full, and making sure I drank a lot of water so I would drink less soda. I even played frisbee with some of my brother's friends and went for walks with my parents.

Even so, I was a little scared to get on the scale this week! I just didn't want to know how bad the damage was. But I had a pleasant surprise when I checked today!!

173.1  -  that is 3.9lbs lost this week! 
(4.8 total since I started 2 weeks ago, I'm ahead of schedule for my goals) 

and my bmi is down to 30.66!! (a bmi over 30 is considered obese). Just 3.1 more pounds until I downgrade from obese to overweight. That comes with a dramatic decrease in health risks! And a self esteem boost! It's been almost 3 years since I was under that line! Can't wait to cross it!!!

Final Thought:

I came across this ecard from the other day, and it really cracked me up! If only being healthy were this easy!! My thought for today is that there is no reason to have to give up the things you love (even tv and girl scout cookies!) to be healthy. If your favorite foods are really bad for you, find ways to modify the recipes, and take care to not overeat. There are a million small ways to be healthier! Pick a few that work for you. Good luck!

1 comment:

  1. Digging your blog Renee. Keep are putting down good thoughts (yes, I need to follow some too!!)
