Thursday, March 3, 2011

Free Pedometer

Just joined Tylenol's Just Keep Moving Program. They are sending me a free pedometer and DVD to help keep me motivated. Want to join? It's free and easy:

With midterms this week, I've been slacking on going to the gym. But I have been trying to stay active by walking to class and practicing my DubH Hip Hop Dance Club dances.

Even when you're stressed out, remember that even a few minutes of exercising is better than nothing. And exercise is a great stress reliever. Good luck with midterm week!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A little behind on the blogging... but here goes nothing.

It's eating order awareness week. For more information, check out:

Last weekend I went home, and even though my family drinks A LOT of soda... I avoided it and didn't drink any. Yay!! And even got my parents to do one of their workout dvds with me.

And today I spent over an hour at the gym working the weights. I feel good!!  =]

Thursday, February 17, 2011

what a beautiful day!!

post-run pedometer reading: 7099!
I should probably take one more step to reach 8,000... butttttttttttttttttttttttttttt. I've got a lot more to do today. So I'm sure I'll get there!

and I hoped on the wii fit. weighed in at 178.6! I weighed myself pretty late yesterday, so that could account for the difference.. but still. I'm excited! that's almost 9 pounds lost in 5 1/2 weeks. Go me!!

Feeling Good!

Just got back from campus, and the pedometer says........................................

4920 steps!!!!!

And it is 65 degrees today!! So I'm going to go for a run outside!! I hope you all go outside and enjoy this GORGEOUS weather!!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


On Monday my pedometer reached 6990 steps! WOW! That's the approximate equivalent of 3 1/2 miles. But after being on my feet all day - including 3 hours of dance practice for Hip Hop Dance Club, it's no wonder!

Today I weighed in at 179.9 on the Wii. That means I've lost 7lbs in just over 5 weeks. I am right on track!

And a little shout out to my mom, who was inspired to get back on the workout wagon. Yay!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

This is a great article on why men tend to lose more weight than women. I think I'm gonna start more weight training!!

Plus my dad bought me an sd card for my phone last weekend... so I finally have music! yay!
my favorite workout tunes for my first workout of the year with music??

Meaning of Life, Disturbed

Heretic Anthem, Slipknot

I am the Stair MASTER!

Back on track! literally... haha. bad joke.

I warmed up on the track, and then spent 20 minutes on a stair master. I was breathing pretty hard by the end... but I managed to do 46 "flights" of stairs. WOW!

And apparently my friends are getting inspired to get fit too!

  • One decided to set a goal to lose 1lb/week (same as me) til graduation
  • Another bought the P90X workout system and is planning on trying to be healthier
  • And one more sometimes comes to the gym with me, and uses her wii fit system at home too

Glad to see the Get Healthy Bug is spreading!! Way to go guys!! I'm glad to see my lifestyle changes and blogging are helping more than me. Stay strong, keep being awesome  =]

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I bought a pedometer the other day, and took it with me to class today. Just being on campus today put me at 4,610 steps! At approximately 2,000 steps/mile... I walked about 2 miles today!

10,000 steps a day is recommended for a weight loss program.. so not too shabby for being sick and not working out for awhile.. Can't wait to see the results for tomorrow after I go to the gym in addition to walking around campus for classes!

Sick Days..

I got sick over the weekend.. and gave myself a working out break. Which is good for my body to recover, but bad for my weight loss goal. I'm feeling a lot better today, but still didn't go to the gym. In fact, it's been a WHOLE WEEK since I worked out!!!

Tomorrow I am getting back on track and getting my butt to the gym! It might have to wait til after I get done with an exam at 4 (instead of between classes like I was doing before) but I AM going to go!

I did step onto my wii fit yesterday to see what the damage was from not working out. Turns out I weighed exactly the same! At least this week off hasn't set me back. And at 181lbs, I am still on track for my pound a week goal! Only 11 pounds to go until I am only overweight, and not obese.

Because I did kinda stop going to the gym, I am waiting to give myself my 4 week reward. If I go Tuesday-Friday for 2 weeks from today, I will schedule that mani-pedi I decided to give myself,

Keep up your workout routines and keep eating healthy!! I believe we can all become healthier! if you need a workout buddy, or wanna make a healthier meal than dorm food or frozen pizza sometime.. let me know!! Supporting each other is the best way to stay on track. Keep rocking!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Just like basically the whole US, I had a lot of snow yesterday. And since Colleges do not believe in cancelling classes.. I decided to give myself a snow day from working out. Especially since I've been so good about going.

Interesting note.. I tried to stop biting my nails at the same time I started working out. Amazingly, I had no problems at all, even though I had tried quitting MANY times before. But today, after taking a day off of exercising, it is driving me crazy and I keep catching myself. I guess that means I need to hop on the Wii Fit.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

With friends like these, who needs anemones??

I was sooooooo tired today that I wasn't gonna go to the gym today. It would have been the first weekday I had  skipped working out since I started this whole thing.

But one of my best friends decided to go with me today. So I dragged my butt to the gym. We didn't do anything too intense, walked on the track. But we walked just under 2 miles. We've got another date with the gym tomorrow.

Hopefully she keeps coming with me! It's nice to have somebody to chat with and keep me going. I don't have an mp3 player so going to the gym by myself can be a but lonely.

Shout out to my friend, Thanks for coming with me today!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Wii Fit Goal Achieved!!


2.5 weeks into the semester and going strong! I am lucky enough to have a Nintendo Wii at my disposal. I take a body test every day, and it keeps track of my weight and if I'm progressing toward my goals.

Because overweight people tend to lose weight fast-ish when they first start an exercise plan, I set my goal for 4lbs in 2 weeks. And I achieved it today!! A day early!!! I lost some weight before setting a goal on Wii Fit though, so I have actually lost about 6lbs and weigh about 181lbs. Only 11 more to go before transitioning from Obese to Overweight. Yay!!

So excited and proud of myself!! 

I try to get up early enough to eat breakfast every day - usually whole grain cereal and a piece of fruit. But sometimes it's just a granola bar. I usually eat a Special K granola bar for lunch, and try to make something healthy for dinner. But I'm in college, and all of my friends (and me!!) love Buffalo Wild Wings. I'm not forcing myself to miss out on hanging out with my friends.. just to be more conscious of what I eat.

Instead of:
   12 wings
   potato wedges with cheese
   and a soda

I might get:
   12 wings - eat 6-7 and take the rest home
   potato wedges - no cheese

So far, I'm not feeling deprived. Just healthier, more energetic, and more like myself than I have for a long time.

New year. New Semester. New beginning.


Ok, here's the deal.

I am 22. And I am technically obese.

I'm not one of those girls who sit in front of a mirror sighing. I like myself. I am comfortable with my body. But what I am not comfortable with is my family health history. You know when you go to the doctor and you have to fill those out? Yeah..... I have to check A LOT of boxes.

  • heart disease
  • high blood pressure
  • cancer
  • diabetes
  • high cholesterol
  • strokes
to name only a few. and most of these are immediate family, which puts me at an even higher risk. 

I am 22. If I don't change something now, I'm going to be 30 and need to pop handfuls of pills every day. And probably need bypass heart surgery. I am stupid if I don't change something.

So................... Here is my plan.

Lose 50 pounds in 50 weeks. 

According to my Wii Fit, I weighed in at 187. I am 5'3". My "Normal Weight Range" is 113-141lbs. with my "ideal" weight being about 124lbs. Losing 50lbs puts me just barely in the normal range, at 137lbs. 

I feel like this is a realistic goal, averaging out to be about 1lb per week. It is a lot easier for me to start a workout regime while I am in college with access to an amazing rec center, so my goal officially starts today, Monday, January 10, 2011. At the same time, the whole purpose of this is to be healthier and more active. If December 26 comes around and I have only lost 20lbs, I'm not gonna cry myself to sleep with a bucket of chicken or anything.. I will still be a lot healthier than at the start. and that is the whole point.

I hope to keep this blog updated on my progress, and maybe inspire some of my family and friends to join me and commit to losing the extra pounds they know they need to.

If you are committing to have a healthier year, I'd love to hear from you! Let me know how it's going and we can keep each other motivated. Good luck!!